doctrine2 order by count many to many

  • April 9, 2015

Today I found a problem quite common but tricky enough for the solution to share it with you

The problem

I have 2 Entities

  • User
  • Article

and a “likedByUsers” Many To Many relationship between both

Now I would like to get the Articles ordered by number of ‘likes’ for an API call returning a list of Articles

if you feel smart you can try to find the solution by yourself it’s an interesting exercise about ‘how much do you know doctrine and SQL’

but let me tell you, the solution is like an Egg of Columbus, once you see it it becomes evident, but it was actually not that simple at first.

The solution

// in your repository
$builder = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');
    ->select('COUNT(u) AS HIDDEN nbrLikes', 'a')
    ->leftJoin('a.likedByUsers', 'u') 
    ->orderBy('nbrLikes', 'DESC')

Step by step

->leftJoin('a.likedByUsers', 'u')

as it’s a many to many relationship, and as doctrine lazy-load by default we need to explicitly tell him we will need the join, and the referenced entity (users) will be refered as u in the other part of the query

now the interesting point here is the leftJoin, most PHP developers are not familiar with the different type of Join

  • inner join would have taken only the articles and users who have At least one relationship which mean that using this, you will not get back the articles with 0 likes
  • left join take ALL the row on the left side (so here articles) and the entity on the right will be null if there’s no relationship, so here that’s what we want, as then the COUNT() will consider norelationship as 0

here it’s really important to group by the FULL entity and not just, otherwise SQL will complain that your other fields are not inside the GROUP BY (here nothing specific as doctrine, it’s pure SQL, just that Doctrine makes your life easier by permitting you not to precise every single field one by one

    ->select('COUNT(u) AS HIDDEN nbrLikes', 'a')

Here we have the actual interesting part we select a COUNT in order to be able to use it in the ORDER BY and also the entity article itself, however if we were just doing 'COUNT(u) AS nbrLikes' , a then for each result, we would not directly the entity, but an array of two values the count and then the entity (which would need additional treatment in my case as I’m just returning an array of Article to be serialized by the REST bundle).

That’s why we have HIDDEN, it will tell doctrine to use it for the generated query but not to use when creating the result array, so that it returns only the entity

For those wondering if I only get the entity how to have my API call returning also a number_of_likes in the JSON, I will later make an article about virtual property of the JSM Serializer

Hope you learn something in the process,